Sabiha Hanım Student Dormitories

Student Dormitories close to Marmara University

Bahçelievler Yerleşkesi

Student Dormitories close to Bahçelievler Yerleşkesi:

İletişim Fakültesi
  • Gazetecilik
  • Halkla İlişkiler ve Tanıtım
  • Radyo, Televizyon ve Sinema

Başıbüyük Kampüsü

Student Dormitories close to Başıbüyük Kampüsü:

Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi
  • Diş Hekimliği(İngilizce)
Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi
  • Beslenme ve Diyetetik (Fakülte)
  • Ebelik (Fakülte)
  • Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon (Fakülte)
  • Hemşirelik (Fakülte)
  • Sağlık Yönetimi (Fakülte)
Tıp Fakültesi
  • Tıp(İngilizce)

Göztepe Kampüsü

Student Dormitories close to Göztepe Kampüsü:

Atatürk Eğitim Fakültesi
  • Almanca Öğretmenliği
  • Bilgisayar ve Öğretim Teknolojileri Öğretmenliği
  • Biyoloji Öğretmenliği
  • Coğrafya Öğretmenliği
  • Fen Bilgisi Öğretmenliği
  • Fizik Öğretmenliği
  • Fransızca Öğretmenliği
  • İlköğretim Din Kültürü ve Ahlak Bilgisi Öğretmenliği
  • İlköğretim Matematik Öğretmenliği
  • İngilizce Öğretmenliği
  • Kimya Öğretmenliği
  • Matematik Öğretmenliği
  • Okul Öncesi Öğretmenliği
  • Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık
  • Sınıf Öğretmenliği
  • Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretmenliği
  • Tarih Öğretmenliği
  • Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Öğretmenliği
  • Türkçe Öğretmenliği
  • Zihin Engelliler Öğretmenliği
Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi
  • Alman Dili ve Edebiyatı
  • Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi
  • Biyoloji
  • Coğrafya
  • Fizik
  • İstatistik
  • Kimya
  • Matematik
  • Mütercim-Tercümanlık(Almanca)
  • Mütercim-Tercümanlık(Fransızca)
  • Mütercim-Tercümanlık(İngilizce)
  • Sanat Tarihi
  • Sosyoloji(İngilizce)
  • Tarih
  • Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı
İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi
  • Çalışma Ekonomisi ve Endüstri İlişkileri
  • Ekonometri
  • İktisat
  • İktisat(İngilizce)
  • İşletme
  • İşletme Enformatiği(Almanca)
  • İşletme(Almanca)
  • İşletme(İngilizce)
  • Kamu Yönetimi(Fransızca)
  • Maliye
  • Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler(İngilizce)
Mühendislik Fakültesi
  • Bilgisayar Mühendisliği(İngilizce)
  • Biyomühendislik(İngilizce)
  • Çevre Mühendisliği(İngilizce)
  • Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliği(İngilizce)
  • Endüstri Mühendisliği(İngilizce)
  • Kimya Mühendisliği
  • Makine Mühendisliği(İngilizce)
  • Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği(İngilizce)
Teknoloji Fakültesi
  • Makine Mühendisliği (M.T.O.K.)
  • Makine Mühendisliği (Teknoloji Fakültesi)
  • Mekatronik Mühendisliği (M.T.O.K.)
  • Mekatronik Mühendisliği (Teknoloji Fakültesi)
  • Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği (M.T.O.K.)
  • Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği (Teknoloji Fakültesi)

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Dormitory close to Marmara University 

One of the issues that university candidates are most interested in during university preference periods is dormitory. As a matter of fact, dormitories have always been a problem for students studying in big cities such as Istanbul. At this point, students also conduct a dormitory research closest to the university in terms of their university preferences. Marmara University, which is one of the oldest universities in Istanbul, is very rich in dormitories. Because Marmara University is one of the major universities that stand out with many campuses close to the dormitory areas and accommodate tens of thousands of students at the same time. If you are going to choose a department within the scope of Marmara University, you should also consider various dormitory criteria.

At this point, Sabiha Hanım Student Dormitories should be among the most ideal choices for you. Because Sabiha Student Hanım Dormitories are among the highest quality dormitories known for their proximity to university campuses and campuses throughout Istanbul. Especially with Sabiha Hanım Student Dormitories, which offer you the balance in terms of academic success and social development of students, you can spend your student education in the most efficient way.

Dormitories close to Marmara University Göztepe Campus

As we mentioned in terms of dormitories, Marmara University is among the most important universities known for its proximity to various campuses and campuses. You, too, should act according to this criterion while doing the Marmara University dormitory research. As a matter of fact, Göztepe Campus in Marmara University is one of the most known campuses and when the dormitories close to Marmara University Göztepe Campus are examined closely, the Beyoğlu Boys' Dormitory of Sabiha Hanım Student Dormitories, Üsküdar Girls Campus, Beşiktaş Boys' Dormitory, Fatih Kıztaşı Girls' Dormitory, Maltepe Boys' Dormitory, Haseki Boys' Dormitory, Dormitories such as Şişli Boys' Dormitory, Fatih Vatan Boys' Dormitory, Çapa Girls' Dormitory, Maltepe Boys' Dormitory and Maltepe Girls' Dormitory can be given as examples.

If you are studying in any department in Göztepe Campus, you can benefit from such dormitories. As you can see, you can also choose Sabiha Hanım Student Dormitories, which provide dormitories for everyone, regardless of whether they are boys or girls.

Marmara University Göztepe Campus Dormitory

People who want to choose any department within the scope of Marmara University are likely to be in various campuses. One of the most important campuses among these campuses is Göztepe Campus. Marmara University Göztepe Campus has a wide range of facilities in terms of dormitories and offers advantages to students at this point. Göztepe Campus is one of the dormitory campuses of Marmara University, which students, especially those who will prefer Marmara University, in terms of dormitories. You can take advantage of various advantages in such areas, which are extremely comprehensive and have great advantages.

As we mentioned, Marmara University Göztepe Campus is spread over a wide area in terms of dormitories and it is a location where students will be fully advantageous. Because it is possible to see the branches of Sabiha Hanım Student Dormitories located in various regions of Istanbul around Göztepe Campus. At Sabiha Hanım Student Dormitories, which contributes not only to academic success but also to social life and personal development, you can take advantage of the opportunities as you wish. Sabiha Hanım Student Dormitories are among the best in their field, providing you with such comprehensive advantages and providing you with the most efficient way to spend your university process. By choosing Sabiha Hanım Student Dormitories within the scope of Marmara University dormitory, it will be one of the best steps you can take from the first year of the university.

Marmara University Bahçelievler Campus Dormitories

Within the scope of Marmara University dormitory, Bahçelievler Campus should also be considered. As a matter of fact, as we mentioned, Marmara University is a very comprehensive university and it is among the most established universities that offer various advantages, wide opportunities and a large number of departments to its students as a campus and campus. In this context, Marmara University Bahçelievler Campus dormitories are also important for you to evaluate. According to this, for Marmara University Bahçelievler Campus dormitories, Sabiha Hanım Student Dormitory branches are Çapa girls 'dormitory, Fatih Vatan boys' dormitory, Haseki boys 'dormitory, Fatih Kıztaşı girls' dormitory, Beyoğlu boys 'dormitory, Şişli boys' dormitory, Beşiktaş boys' dormitory, Maltepe boys' dormitory, Üsküdar girls' dormitory. campus and Maltepe girls' dormitory can be given as examples.

Marmara University Göztepe Campus Dormitory Prices

Göztepe Campus, which is shown as one of the important campus areas of Marmara University, is a scope that students will prefer with its various department facilities. While you are making your preferences for many departments in Göztepe Campus, you can also do dormitory research. As we mentioned, Marmara University is in a very advantageous position in terms of dormitories, especially since Sabiha Hanım Student Dormitories are also in this region, it has an even richer image. Marmara University Göztepe Campus Dormitory prices are also the first criterion for students. You can also choose Sabiha Hanım Student Dormitories, which have very affordable prices according to the opportunities they offer for students. For Maltepe Boys 'Dormitories and Maltepe Girls' Dormitories, check the Dormitories page.

Marmara University Bahçelievler Campus Dormitory Prices

Bahçelievler Campus, which is another important campus we mentioned, is an area that has a wide range of facilities and facilities for students, and is also at the desired level in terms of dormitories, as Sabiha Hanım Student Dormitories are also in this area. Dormitory prices of Marmara University Bahçelievler Campus also vary. Especially, the excess of private dormitories plays a significant role in the variability of prices. You can also make your choice for Sabiha Hanım Student Dormitories, which offer better opportunities in this area at the best prices.

Marmara University Haydarpaşa Campus Dormitories

As we mentioned in terms of dormitory, Marmara University is in a very rich area due to its many campuses. Marmara University Haydarpaşa Campus dormitories can also be considered in this context. You can also take advantage of the dormitory facilities regarding the campus of your department. Especially the fact that Sabiha Hanım Student Dormitories provide services in this field is an extremely important advantage for your Marmara University dormitory preferences. You can continue your university process in the most effective way by choosing Sabiha Hanım Student Dormitories, which offer as many opportunities as possible at the most affordable prices. You can easily reach our Üsküdar Girls Campus dormitory.

Marmara University Faculty of Health Sciences Dormitory

Marmara University is an important university for those who will make a choice in the field of health, as it is shown among the well-established universities. In this context, you can choose for many departments in the Faculty of Health Sciences. At the same time, you can benefit from many advantages within the Marmara University Faculty of Health Sciences dormitory. You can find everything you are looking for in Sabiha Hanım Student Dormitories, which offers dormitory advantages for you in Göztepe Campus, Haydarpaşa Campus and Bahçelievler Campus as well as around the Faculty of Health Sciences. In particular, Sabiha Hanım Student Dormitories can be given as the first address for students who have completed a period of 2 or 4 years without any social activity or self-improvement as a result of studying or passing only a course. Because in Sabiha Hanım Student Dormitories, the balance of education process and social life is established in a very high quality. You can make your application by putting Sabiha Hanım Student Dormitories in the first place within the scope of Marmara University dormitory. You can easily reach the Faculty of Health Sciences, which you can easily reach from Üsküdar girls' dormitories, and also from Maltepe girls' dormitories and Maltepe boys' dormitories. Sabiha Hanım Student Dormitories, Üsküdar Girls' Dormitories, Maltepe Girls' Dormitories and Maltepe Boys' Dormitories are within the scope of dormitories close to Marmara University.

Marmara University Başıbüyük Campus Dormitory

Başıbüyük Campus, which is one of the other important campuses, is a campus that includes important sections within the scope of Marmara University. You can also use your preference for Sabiha Hanım Student Dormitories in the context of Marmara University Başıbüyük Campus dormitory. Istanbul - Sabiha Hanım Student Dormitories, Maltepe girls' dormitories, Maltepe boys' dormitories and Üsküdar girls' dormitories are dormitories close to universities and central locations.

As we have stated, it will offer you various advantages that will support your personal development and social life, as well as areas where you will have wide advantages such as study opportunities and study rooms in terms of education. In this context, cultural and art trips, activities, musical events, international sports competitions, in-city or out-of-town trips, activities such as cinema, theater and many sportive activities are among the advantages offered for you within the scope of Sabiha Hanım Student Dormitories.

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