As humans, we love to set a date to change something in our lives; It's like I'm starting a diet on mondays, and getting things done after exams. We are trying to put history even to change this. We have a great opportunity to start over. It's an incredibly beautiful date for those who postpone plans: January 1st.
Let's list what we can do in the 365 days added to our bag from scratch.
1) Let's get a diary.
Let's write every day in our diary starting from January 1. The days that we immortalize when we read later will come to life in our minds and no present will be left without memory. Even if it is a single sentence, let's write down whatever trace it left on us that day. What did they say? "Word flies, text stays."
2) Let's plan our day.
Let's create a list for ourselves and put a tick every time we apply the item on that list. Our list can consist of activities we have always wanted to do but remain in words. For example, it may include simple changes that will put our life in order, such as when I wake up every day, I will drink a glass of water, read a fifty page book before going to sleep, or meditate.
3) Let's enroll in an art course.
Yes, it's time, the golden bracelet that everyone should have in their pocket; our hobbies. We are sure that we all want to know how to play a musical instrument or to work with painting and sculpture. But we know that we haven't had the time or the enthusiasm to devote to these until now. One of the changes we will make in 2020 is to enroll in a course where we will nourish ourselves and our soul for 1-2 hours a day. If you are a student of Sabiha Hanım, you are lucky, you are in an institution that supports art. Sabiha Hanım personally meets half of the course you will attend at Pera Sanat. I guess there is not much excuse left for us anymore. Let's apply to Pera Sanat on our website and choose the course we will attend.
4) Let's develop our second foreign language.
In this period we live in, we do not even need to emphasize the importance of the second foreign language. Instead of saying "I know but I can't speak", we must act now. We have an opportunity to improve our foreign language at American Cultural Language Schools. Sabiha Hanım pays some of the course for her students. All you have to do is apply from our website.
Sport is essential for a healthy and regular life. Playing sports should become a part of our lives. Sabiha students can go to the gyms in SportsandMerits, free of charge once a month with the support of Sabiha Hanım. If you subscribe regularly, you can be enrolled by Sabiha Hanım with a scholarship. The new year is a great opportunity to start using your SportsandMerits facility, which you can use from various hotels' saunas with the application you can download to your phone instead of staying connected to a single gym.
6) Let's learn to drive a car or a motor.
If you want to get behind the wheel on your long journey in your holiday plans in the new year, a driving license is definitely required. As a Sabiha Hanım Student, you can easily get a fifty percent scholarship for the journey of getting a driver's license, which is the dream of most students starting university, but always postponed. It will be sufficient to apply from our website.
7) Let's never lose our motivation.
Let's believe in ourselves from the morning of January 1, when we wake up as the first day of our new life. We can achieve anything. The laziness we encounter in the things we want to do is actually us. Only we can beat us. The changes we will make after taking the first step will become our life rather than a burden for us. We renew our energy like being reborn with the new year. "Remember that nothing will happen to us."