Sabiha Hanım Student Dormitories


 4 Golden Tips for Beginners

4 Golden Tips for Beginners

According to some, you have successfully passed the most important test of your life. You should be ready for the life full of surprises that await you after you have settled at the university you want after a long year. It includes not only lessons and education but also a lot of things you will learn about life in university life. We wanted to give you a few tips in your university life where you will experience many different emotions at the same time. We hope that these recommendations will be remembered by you.

1. Do Not Neglect Your Lessons

Üniversite Ders

Perhaps we can guess that you studied very hard for a while, or maybe more. Continuous tests, time checks, just talking between family and friends, and the stress you experienced are now over. However, it only needs to stop for a short time. After the summer vacation and the preference phase, you can relax and your willingness to participate in the classes may decrease more and more for the reasons mentioned above. Especially if you believe the stereotype of a recent graduate or senior student that the lessons are somehow resolved, your education life may start to alarm before it begins.

Of course, just attending classes may not be enough most of the time. It is also a must to attend the lesson, listen to the teacher and take notes. It is not a pleasant feeling when you realize that you have no grades when the exam time approaches. If you do not want to look for door-to-door lecture notes in your dormitory, you should keep your notes yourself.

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2. Choose a student dormitory close to the university


Getting home in the big city is a very difficult situation. It can burn your pocket financially. Besides, we are not even talking about finding roommates you can trust, cleaning and dining order, real estate agents and landlords. Finding a house where you want, close to the school, is actually like looking for a needle in a haystack. The advice we will give you to eliminate such problems is to stay in a dormitory close to your school. You can spend the time and energy you will spend on the road resting in your home.

3. Try to get used to the city

Topkapı Sarayı

When you leave the city where you live and go to university with a different one, it may take some time to get used to it. This situation can be considered quite normal. But try to overcome this situation. Discovering the beauties of the place you live in will be the most successful factor in your getting used to it. Discovering new places on weekends with your university or dormitory friends will also allow you to have a pleasant time.

As Sabiha Hanım Student Dormitories, you can examine more than 100 museums and galleries in Istanbul with the museum card we provide free of charge to our student friends.

4. Do Not Disrupt Foreign Language Education

Yabancı Dİl Eğitimi

I guess there is no need to explain how important English is anymore. Regardless of which department you graduate, whatever job you are doing, English will now appear almost as the first requirement. Of course, it is very important not only for finding a job, but also for your personal growth. In addition, English will be essential for all international opportunities that you may encounter during your university life. For these reasons, it will be really great for you to get a foreign friend if you are in your dormitory or university.

You can find the comments of the students we hosted at Sabiha Hanım Student Dormitories here.

We welcome you to Sabiha Hanım Student Dormitories for peace, trust, comfort, lasting friendships, sincerity and easy transportation.

0212 945 98 78

We recommend you to read our other article, “A Weekend at Sabiha Hanım Dormitories”.


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