When you leave the cities where you live and come to the city where you will study, your first stop is to stay in high quality dormitories close to the school. These dormitories will be a factor affecting your whole life after a while. In this environment, you will meet people from different cultures and have friends with many different characters. We have listed the types of students that almost every student in the dormitory may encounter.
He is a person who is sometimes forgotten in the dormitory and has almost no friends. With his quiet and calm personality, no one knows when he left the dormitory and when he returns, except for the staff. These students, who usually ate one meal, spoke very little and had few friends.
They are very rare students who sleep. They try to be somehow in all areas of life. You see, he went out on a day job at the weekend, sometimes with someone he met at the library. They organize the students in the dormitory and immediately organize astroturf matches or travel plans. One of the most interesting features is that he does not disrupt his homework and lessons despite all this work. These friends, whose names are known by everyone, are very popular in the dormitory.
As Sabiha Hanım Dormitories, you can see the opportunities we provide to our students here.
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Actually, athletes are people we can encounter not only in the dormitory environment but in almost every aspect of our lives. Words like "body, fitness, how many sets, protein and protein powder" make up the majority of their conversations. They make great insistence on writing to their roommate for sports. In their rooms, they definitely have a mat and a dumbbell that they can walk around. Of course, the money given to gyms as a student can sometimes affect your financial situation. You can also benefit from the gyms provided by Sabiha Hanım Student Dormitories through Sports & Merits for free.
When every student goes to their room after school or to the study room of the dormitory to work, they have someone they want to help with their homework or question they cannot understand. At this point, hardworking friends in the dormitory become your life savers. They usually sit in the front row during classes. Study or study rooms are their favorite places and they can spend more time there than in their own rooms.
Melancholic types that reduce your mood with both their energy and their silence! Music is indispensable for these people who also turn the lives of their roommates into hell. They may immediately feel upset about everything in life and sometimes cry. It appears more in first or last year students of universities. Be you, support them, but don't get caught up in their currents. Life is beautiful!
It is always possible to see entrepreneurs both at the dormitory and at the university. It is very possible to see a Steve Jobs poster in the room of these friends, who are members of all clubs of universities such as technology, marketing and trade. At the end of almost every conversation, a new idea comes to mind and they explain this idea excitedly to their dorm friends. We wish good luck to these friends who take the lives of many successful entrepreneurs as their mission.
You can find the comments of the students we hosted at Sabiha Hanım Student Dormitories here.
We welcome you to Sabiha Hanım Dormitories for peace, confidence, comfort, lasting friendships, sincerity and easy transportation.
TEL: (0216) 427 2424
E-MAIL: info@sabihahanimyurtlari.com
We recommend you to read our another article titled "Staying at a Residence or Staying at Home".